Finalmente podes ir de férias! Disponibilizámos hoje a edição 2019 dos WOD’s de verão. Um conjunto de 10 treinos simples para fazeres em qualquer lugar e sem equipamento. Criados e testados nos U.S.A. pelos nossos coaches Tiago e Marta.
Aproveita a oportunidade para tirar aquele amigo especial da espreguiçadeira e juntos, desafiarem-se nestes workouts desenhados com base na filosofia do CrossFit: movimentos funcionais constantemente variados e realizados com alta intensidade!
Bons treinos!
Coach T
1. Power Endurance (35 a 45 min)
A. Warm-up
Run 1,5km (8-10′)
12x 40″ON / 20″ Rest
- 1′: Down ups
- 2′: Air Squats
- 3′: Jumping Jacks
B. Main Set (17′)
5 Sets of
60″ AMRAP:
- 1 Burpee (no jump needed)
- 1 Shuttle Run (30mts)
Rest 3′
2. Walk in the Park (35 a 45 min)
A. Warm-up
3 Sets (6′)
- 20 plank shoulder taps
- 10 hollow rocks
- 10 arch rocks
B. Strength
Every 2′ x 5 Sets:
- 10 Pike Push Ups (elevated feet)
- 10 V-Ups
For Time:
- 400m walking lunge (40x10mts)
Every 10m alternate between: 8/5 push-ups & 10/8 sit-ups
3. Sand Partner (40min)
A. Warm-up
2 Sets
- 20 one leg deadlift
- 10 wall squats
- 5 inch worms
B. Strength
3x Every 3′:
- 10m crab walk
- 10m duck walk
- 10x partner squat
4 full rounds:
- 20m partner drag (backwards pulling by the forearms)
- 10 sync burpees
- 20m partner carry (fireman)
- 10 sync squat jumps
(A, then B x 4)
Buy out: 800m Run
4. Six or Nothing (28min)
6 sets of 3’AMRAP + 2’Rest
- Set 1: 10 air squats + 10 sit ups
- Set 2: 10/7 push ups + 10 back extensions
- Set 3: 10 reverse lunges + 10 V-ups
- Set 4: 10 burpees + 10 “box” jumps
- Set 5: 10 jumping lunges + 10 mountain climbers
- Set 6: 10 jumping jacks + 10 arch rocks
5. Burning minutes (30min)
30′ EMOM:
- Even minutes: 20-30 Air Squats
- Odd minutes : 10-15 Burpees
6. God give me a Rig (30min)
15′ AMRAP – Rest 5′ – 10′ AMRAP
- 5 pull ups (10 TRX Rows)
- 10/7 push ups
- 10 sit ups
7. Aquaman (30-45 min)
A. Warm-up
3 sets:
- 2′ run (increase speed each round)
- 2′ swim (breaststroke/back/crawl)
B. Conditioning
- 2′ Máx. effort run (legs under water, waist line)
- Same distance swiming AFAP
C. Main Set
3-5 rounds:
- 50-100 mts swim (=90″)
- 400m run (dry sand)
- 10 burpees
Rest 2′
8. Runpees (35 min)
For Time:
- at 0′: 100 Burpees
- at 10′ : 1,5km run
- at 20′ : 100 down ups
- at 28′ : 1,5km run
9. Jump Around (40min)
A. Warm up
Run for 10′
EMOM: 10 air Squats
B. Strength
5 Sets
- 10 squat jumps
- 10 broad jumps (2/1,5m)
Rest 2′
40″ ON / 20″ OFF, até completar:
- 30 roll to squat to full extension
- 40 burpees + jump with knees to chest
- 50 push ups (🚹clap/ 🚺hand release)
10. Oh! My glutes! (35 – 40min)
5′ Squat Mobility (ankles, knees, hips)
5 RFT:
- 20 (10L+10L) Pistols (Alternative: pistol lunges)
- 30 (15L+15L) Hip Thrusters (opposite leg up)
- 40 (20L+20R) Split Squats
- 500m Run
Rest 2′
- 50 X V-ups
- Para gestão de tempo e relógio, usar a app SmartWOD Timer, disponível para iOS e Android.
- Para medir distâncias de percursos para correr, basta usar o simples Google Maps.
- Importante: Identifica a @crossfitalphaden nas tuas publicações dos treinos.
Vamos estar atentos às vossas férias.